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MiG-35, J-10C, Su-30SM and More: Five Leading Candidates to Modernise Iran’s Air Force from October 2020

An assessment of the five leading classes of fighter Iran is expected to show an interest in, based on their capabilities and the Iranian Air Force’s requirements, is given below: 

Possibly the ideal fighter for Iran, the Russian MiG-35 ‘4++ generation’ medium weight fighter will introduce many next generation technologies to the Iranian fleet - from powerful AESA radars and state of the art electronic warfare systems to three dimensional thrust vectoring engines and new R-37M hypersonic air to air missiles. The fighter is loosely based on the MiG-29 design, and can use much of the same maintenance infrastructure which will reduce the logistical burden on Iran’s already overly diverse fleet. The MiG-35 is approximately 80% less costly to operate than the MiG-29, meaning Iran may in the long run reduce costs by phasing out existing MiG-29 squadrons for replacement with the MiG-35 - alongside further acquisitions to form new squadrons. The MiG-35 entered service in the Russian Air Force in 2019, and its advanced avionics, excellent flight performance and unique armaments allow it to challenge much heavier classes of fighter including Israeli and Saudi F-15 Eagles. What the MiG-35 lacks in size and range, it compensates for in sophistication with three dimensional thrust vectoring engines, state of the art avionics and electronic warfare systems, and an air to air engagement range of 400km - almost four times that of the AIM-120C which equips the vast majority of U.S., Saudi and Israeli fighters. A leading attraction of the aircraft is its cost effectiveness and low lifetime operational cost - meaning Iran will be able to modernise more of its fighter squadrons without a large long term investment.


Iranian interest in the Su-30, a heavyweight twin seat fighter derived from the Soviet Su-27 air superiority platform, has long been rumoured. An Iranian Defence Ministry source stated over five years ago regarding the Iranian acquisition of the Su-30, around the time of the visit by Defense Minister Hussein Dehghan to Russia: “Minister Dehgan will also discuss the delivery of Su-30 airplanes because the Defence Ministry believes the Iranian Air Force needs this type of plane. We’ve moved far in these discussions of purchases and I think that during the upcoming visit a contract will be signed.” This was also reported by Russian state media. The minister stated shortly before his trip to Russia, specifically citing the Su-30: “Today we need to pay attention to air force and aircraft and we seek to seal a deal with the Russians upon which we will have partnership in the construction and manufacturing of the jet fighter.” The Su-30SM is the latest and most capable variant of the Su-30 to enter service, and benefits from two dimensional thrust vectoring engines, a heavyweight high performance airframe and the ability to carry a heavy payload and large radar. The fighter is still less sophisticated than '4++ generation' Russian designs such as the Su-35 and MiG-35, but has a much higher operational cost than the latter. The fighter could be ideal to project power across the Middle East, and can comfortably outmatch most Saudi and Israeli jets as well as the U.S. Navy's F-18E Super Hornets while also deploying sophisticated standoff cruise missiles for anti shipping and air to ground roles. For a defensive role, however, the shorter ranged MiG-35 may be a more costs effective purchase - particularly given the logistical burden of operating this new and much heavier class of combat jet. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article. MIG-41 is also going to be a great plane. https://defence-news-world.blogspot.com/2020/08/last-update-on-mikoyan-experimental-mig.html
